Local Products, Local Destinations, Local Jobs, Local Chambers
Below is information for vendors interested in participating in the 2024 Southern Illinois Made Expo. These facts include our expectations for 2024 and may change as we more closely approach the event
Deadline for all exhibitors to register: Friday, July 11th at 4 p.m.
Deadline for ALL exhibitor payments: Friday, July 11th at 4 p.m.
Event open to the public: Saturday, July 20th from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sunday, July 21st from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Event location: The Pavilion, 1602 Sioux Drive, Marion, Illinois
Exhibitor setup times: Friday, July 19th from 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Any space not claimed and occupied by 4:30 p.m. on Friday, July 19th may be sold or reassigned by Expo management to others without refund to exhibitor.
Exhibitor takedown times: Sunday, July 21st from 4-5 p.m.
The exhibits may not be dismantled before 4 p.m. on Sunday, July 21st. All exhibits must be removed from the premises by 5 p.m. on Sunday, July 21st.
Booth space includes:
Booth space in 10x10 increments with pipe and drape, one 8' table (if requested during registration), 2 chairs (if requested during registration) and access to electricity (if requested during registration), Wi-Fi, and 6 complimentary Southern Illinois Made admission tickets provided.
For additional tables/chairs email info@simade.org by 12:00 p.m. Wednesday, July 3rd.
Company name, contact information and 20-word description to be used in Southern Illinois Made Expo promotion.
A free listing on the Expo Website with link to exhibitor's website.
All exhibitors must provide a Certificate of Insurance that shows proof of General Liability Coverage
Deadline for insurance certificate: Wednesday, June 19th at 4 p.m. email a copy to info @simade.org
Expo details:
Only Southern Illinois made products and destinations are invited to exhibit
Exhibitors may sell their products at the Expo and ALL products sold must be made in Southern Illinois
Approximately 2 weeks before the Expo, confirmed exhibitors will receive an exhibitor kit that includes additional show information and paperwork.
For more information, contact:
Marion Chamber of Commerce at (618) 997-6311 or director@marionillinois.com
Tips for Vendors:
Review the Rules & Regulations thoroughly.
Complete all paperwork to be an exhibitor.
Provide Insurance & Payment by event deadlines.
Promote your presence at the Expo! Find the event on Facebook. Share our Web site. Get the word out!
Facebook Link: https://www.facebook.com/SIMadeExpo/
Gather promotional materials early.
Make the most of your booth
Carefully design your exhibitor space.
Samples are an important part of the Expo!
Price your items thoughtfully.
Staff your booth appropriately.
Have your elevator speech ready. Network, network, network! You never know where your next deal will come from!
Follow proper booth etiquette.
Plan ways to add to your mailing lists!
Have fun!
Exhibitor Rules & Regulations
The following Rules & Regulations will govern and bind all exhibitors at the Southern Illinois Made Expo hereinafter called the Expo, to be held at The Pavilion, on July 20th -21st, 2024, and are a part of the Expo Registration. Participating Southern Illinois Chambers of Commerce and Expo Planning Committee, hereinafter called Expo Management, hereby leases, subject to the Rules and Regulations contained herein, to exhibitors, the booth(s) at the Expo in accordance with exhibit space rental charges set forth on the Expo Registration, to be used by the exhibitor for the purpose set forth herein among said Expo. Expo Management has the right to reject or cancel any exhibit registration. Registrations will be accepted on the discretion of the Expo Management, based on overall Expo mix, quality, and appropriateness of exhibitor’s products or destinations. If an exhibitor cancels contract within 60 days of the Expo, the exhibitor is liable for full payment of the contract. All fees for exhibit space are due by June 19th, 2024. Accepted payment forms are Visa, MasterCard and American Express. No exhibitor will be allowed to move into a booth space that has not been paid in full by June 19th, 2024. Payments will not be accepted on site. Any unpaid exhibit space will be reallocated at the discretion of Expo Management.
An exhibitor may not share or sublet space without prior written permission of the Made in Southern Illinois Expo. Exhibitors are not permitted to feature names or advertisements of non-exhibiting manufacturers, distributors or agents in the Expo except products sold by a parent or subsidiary company of the exhibitor. All products and destinations must be significantly made in Southern Illinois.
No vehicles may be left overnight. Any unauthorized vehicle left overnight or parked at The Pavilion during the weekend will be subject to towing at owner's expense. No trailers may be "dropped;" all trailers must be hitched to a vehicle.
Exhibitors will set up displays and load in materials on Friday, July 19th from 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Exhibits must be fully set up by 4:30 p.m. Any space not claimed and occupied by 4:30 p.m. on Friday, July 19th may be sold or reassigned by Expo management to others without refund to exhibitor. If the Exhibitor fails to occupy the space contracted for, the Expo Management is entitled to the full amount of the space rental. Exhibitor agrees to abide by move in and move out regulations as stipulated by Expo Management. Exhibitor agrees to maintain setup for the duration of the show. Exhibitors shall be responsible for keeping their exhibit staffed, neat, clean, and orderly at all times, and shall act so as to comply with these rules and regulations and those imposed by The Pavilion. The exhibits may not be dismantled before 4 p.m. on Sunday, July 21st. All exhibits must be removed from the premises by 5 p.m. In the event exhibit space is not vacated by the exhibitor within such time, Expo Management is authorized to remove from said space, at the expense of the Exhibitor, all goods, merchandise and property of any and all kinds that may then occupy any portion of said space and Expo Management shall not be liable for any damage or loss of such goods, merchandise or other property, or to the space from which removed, by reason of such removal. Any such property left by the exhibitor after the time for removal thereof shall be deemed abandoned by the exhibitor. Expo Management or its agents are hereby expressly released from any and all such claims for damages of any kind or nature arising from such removal. Each exhibitor must name at least one person to be its representative for installation, operation and removal of exhibit. In the event of an emergency, the exhibitor must contact Expo Management immediately and obtain written permission from Expo Management to receive any exception to Expo policies. In the event that the show is not held for reasons beyond the control of the Expo Management, all moneys paid for space rental will return to the exhibitor.
All displays, sign boards, doors or any part of a display must stay within the confines of the rented booth. If an exhibitor does not comply, they will be requested to remove the objects from the display. Exhibitor shall not obstruct access to any portion of the sidewalks, entrances, aisles, doorways, and all ways of access to public utilities pertaining to the Expo premises. An exhibitor may not use an aisle or part of an unrented booth for purposes of display. Each exhibitor in the Expo Hall will be asked at the time of registration how many 8’ tables and chairs they require for their booth and if they require access to electricity. All efforts to provide what is requested during registration will be made. It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to ensure that their booth needs are communicated to Expo Management prior to the July 3rd deadline. Excessively loud speaking sound displays are not permitted, and Expo Management reserves the right to refuse any exhibit which does not, in their judgment, conform to the general tenor of the show. Display materials in exhibitor booths should be arranged in such a manner so as not to obstruct sight lines of neighboring exhibitors. The maximum height of 8 feet is allowed only in the rear half of the exhibit space, with a 4-foot height restriction imposed on all materials in the remaining space forward to the aisle. Permission to exhibit materials with abnormal height must be obtained from the Expo Management. Signs and decorations may not be affixed to any Pavilion surface without prior approval by The Pavilion. No glitter, confetti, bird seed or rice is allowed. All floral arrangements must be preassembled. Expo Management and The Pavilion do not provide labor or equipment for moving decorations or other materials in or out of the Expo. Candles will be allowed only if placed in a solid candle base surrounded by glass or container of water. No motorized vehicles will be allowed in the Expo unless arrangements are made prior to the event with The Pavilion and Expo Management. No pets are allowed in the facility unless arrangements are made prior to the event with The Pavilion and Expo Management. No gasoline, fuels, oil flashlights or any other artificial lighting, light plants, electrical equipment engines, motors or machinery shall be permitted at the Expo unless arrangements are made prior to the event with The Pavilion and Expo Management. Only food that is prepared, pre-packaged and food which may be stored at room temperature may be left unattended. Perishable food may not be left unattended at any time.
No soliciting for business shall be permitted in the aisles or in other Exhibitors’ booths. Samples, catalogs, pamphlets and publications may only be distributed by Exhibitors within the confines of their own booths. The activities of mascots or costumed representatives must be confined to the Exhibitor's rented booth, except for travel to and from changing facilities. No Exhibitor will be permitted to conduct any extreme promotional stunts or activities without first obtaining permission from Expo Management.
Each exhibitor is responsible for keeping their leased space free from any dangerous conditions that might cause injury to persons coming upon the premises or damage to the property. Expo Management and The Pavilion and its officers, employees and agents shall not be liable to the exhibitor, agents, employees or any other person coming into the space leased by the exhibitor for injury to the person or property of any such persons and the exhibitor undertakes to fully indemnify and hold harmless Expo Management and The Pavilion as to any such liability. Neither Expo Management nor The Pavilion are in any way responsible for damages or theft to exhibitor’s property at any time before, during or after show hours. All exhibit and booth materials must comply with Federal, State and City laws, insurance underwriter and The Pavilion safety regulations and must be flameproof. All packing containers, excelsior and similar material are to be removed from the exhibition area upon completion of booth arrangement. The Exhibitor’s display and booth must be able to pass a fire inspection.
Unethical conduct, infraction of rules on the part of the Exhibitor or his/her representatives or both, or misrepresentation of their products being made in Southern Illinois will subject the Exhibitor and/or his/her representatives to dismissal from the Expo without refund of exhibition rental fees. Additionally, the Expo Management and The Pavilion will not be liable for any damages or expenses incurred as a result of dismissal.
Exhibitor agrees to promptly pay all taxes, excise or license fees of whatever nature applicable to occupancy of a booth or conduct of exhibition activities and to take out all permits and licenses, municipal, state or federal, required for the usage herein permitted. Exhibitor warrants that all copyrighted materials, trademarks or service marks used by the exhibitor have been properly licensed or authorized by the owner thereof, and the exhibitor indemnifies and holds Expo Management and The Pavilion harmless from any and all claims, losses, expenses, or costs arising therefrom.
Exhibitor expressly waives any and all claims for compensation for any and all loss or damage sustained by reason of any defect, deficiency, failure or impairment of the roof or any water supply system, drainage system, heating system, electrical system, ventilation system, refrigeration system, or other mechanical system leading to or on the Expo premises. In the event the Expo premises, or any part thereof, is damaged by fire of it for any other reason, including strikes, war, weather, state of emergency, failure of utilities, or act of God, which in the opinion of Expo Management renders fulfillment of the Contract by Expo Management impossible, the exhibitor hereby expressly waives, releases, and discharges Expo Management and The Pavilion and their agents, from any and all demands, claims, actions, and causes of action, in law or inequity, arising from any such causes.